体の部位を含むIdiomatic expressions

以前、色に関するIdiomatic Expressionsの記事を何度か掲載しましたが、
Idiomatic Expressionsは洗足学園中学校の2018年度帰国生入試より大問Eに導入された選択問題で扱われています。
夏期講習の合間を縫ってB方式問題の大問E・Idiomatic Expressionsを解いてみました。

by the skin of my teeth
by the button on my lips ←おそらくButton your lipsという表現をもじった誤答
paying through the nose
I have a bone to pick with you
keep my ear to the ground
keep my toes on the cobblestone ←おそらくkeep one’s feet on the groundをもじった誤答
keep my feet above water

今回は体の部位を含むIdiomatic expressionをいくつか紹介いたします!

1. in over one’s head:完全にお手上げで
例: He thought he could handle the project, but soon realized he was in over his head.

2. at face value :額面通りに・文字通りに
例: Don’t take his words at face value; he often says things he doesn’t mean.

3. keep one’s nose clean:厄介ごとを起こさない
例: As a young adult, he promised his parents that he would keep his nose clean.

4. long in the tooth:年老いている
例: My dog is getting long in the tooth; he’s not as energetic as he used to be.

5. keep your chin up:困難な状況にめげない・元気を失わない
例: Even though she faced many challenges, she kept her chin up and never lost hope.

6. be up to one’s neck:首が回らない・忙殺(ぼうさつ)されている
例: With all the work piling up, I’m up to my neck in tasks.

7. get something off your chest:心の内を明かす
例: She needed to get this off her chest—she had been carrying the secret for too long.

8. twist one’s arm:無理強いをする・圧力をかける
例: We didn’t want to go out, but they twisted our arms until we agreed.

9. have/feel butterflies in one’s stomach:(緊張や不安などで)そわそわする・落ち着かない
例: Before her big presentation, she had butterflies in her stomach.

10. put your back into ~:~に本腰を入れる・全力で取り組む
例: The team needs to put their backs into it if they want to win the match.

11. shake a leg:さっさとする・急ぐ
例: We’re running late, so shake a leg and let’s get going!

12. foot in the door for:~への足掛かり・取っ掛かり
例: Getting an internship at that company was my foot in the door for a future career.

Idiomatic bodybutterflies in the stomach



