英単語”green”を含むIdiomatic expressions〔簡略版再掲載〕




1. Green with envy: ひどくうらやましがって
例: When I got a promotion, my coworker was green with envy.

2. Green thumb/fingers: 植物栽培の才能
例: My grandmother has a green thumb and her garden is always full of beautiful flowers.

3. Green around the gills: (体調不良のため)顔色がさえない*greenの代わりにblue, white, yellowが用いられることも。
例: After the roller coaster ride, Sarah felt green around the gills.

4. Green light: 実行許可・ゴーサイン
例: The manager gave us the green light to start the new project.

5. Green-eyed monster: 嫉妬(しっと)・ねたましい気持ち
例: Whenever her sister receives a present, Jane’s green-eyed monster comes out.

6. The grass is always greener on the other side: 隣の芝生は青い(*「他人のものは良く見える」という意味)
例: John thinks the grass is always greener on the other side, but he doesn’t realize the challenges others face.

7. Greenhorn: 青二才(若くて経験の不足している未熟者)cf. green as grass「未熟な」
例: The new employee is a greenhorn in the corporate world and needs some guidance.

8. Green shoots: 回復の兆(きざ)し
例: The latest economic data shows green shoots, indicating a recovery in the market.

9. Green room: 楽屋・出演者控室
例: The actors gathered in the green room, rehearsing their lines before the play.

10. Green pastures: (平和で栄えている)良い環境
例: After years of hard work, they finally found themselves in green pastures, enjoying the fruits of their labor. *greener pasturesとすると、「(生活や仕事における)今よりもよい環境」を象徴的に表します。

A green pasture shining brightly in a corner of the city with towering skyscrapers (distant view) and a magnificent house (near view)なぜか頭に緑色の角が生えている職場の若い女性社員が1人いる職場、マンガ風緑色の目をしたかわいらしいモンスターのせいで、うらやましい!という気持ちになっている人、アニメ風明るい緑色の部屋の中で、シェイクスピア劇のハムレット役の人が高価そうな椅子に座り待機している様子、ゴッホ風の印象画



