その他の色のIdiomatic expressions


様々な色のIdiomatic expressions (2)


1. in a brown study: 沈思黙考して・物思いにふけって
例: He sat in his room, in a brown study, pondering the meaning of life.

2. be browned off: うんざりしている・退屈しきっている
例: Tom was browned off with his job. The repetitive tasks and lack of challenges had made him extremely frustrated and dissatisfied.

3. Every cloud has a silver lining: 悪いことの反面には必ず良いことがある。【注意:「良いことの反面には悪いことがある」ことを示唆するために用いられることも。】
例: Despite losing his job, John saw it as an opportunity to pursue his true passion. Every cloud has a silver lining.

4. be born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth: 裕福な家に生まれた・生まれつき金持ちである
例: Beth never had to worry about money or work hard because she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.

5. a golden opportunity: 絶好の機会・またとない機会
例: When the company offered her a promotion, it was a golden opportunity she couldn’t pass up.

6. shrinking violet: 引っ込み思案な人
例: Erica is a shrinking violet and rarely speaks up in group discussions.

7. maroon (one) on an island: (人を)島に置き去りにする
例: After the shipwreck, the survivors were marooned on a deserted island, hoping for rescue.

8. crimson victory: 重要な意味のある勝利
例: The team celebrated their crimson victory, having defeated their rival by a large margin.

9. the amber nectar: ビール *「琥珀色(黄褐色)の果汁飲料」とユーモアを込めた呼称。
例: After a long day of work, he looked forward to relaxing with a glass of the amber nectar.

10. wear lilac-tinted glasses: 楽観的な考え方をしている
例: Despite the challenges they faced, they always wore lilac-tinted glasses, believing that everything would work out in their favor.


洗足学園中学校の帰国生入試ではA方式・B方式両方の大問EでIdiomatic Expressionsの知識が問われ、他にも頌栄女子学院中学校や聖光学院中学校でも、英語のイディオム表現に関する出題歴があります。





